Purse Storage Solution
Remember this? (See the post "I have a problem")

The purse storage solution search, turned into a "Pink Room" overhaul, which I love. This guest room is a mishmash of stuff from my dorm room and first apartment.
The purse storage solution search, turned into a "Pink Room" overhaul, which I love. This guest room is a mishmash of stuff from my dorm room and first apartment.
Home depot had skinny plastic shelving in pink in green, one of each mix-matched up created the perfect solution for most of my bags, each stuffed with tissue paper to maintain shape. Clutches, my Bermuda bag and covers, and wallets stay neat in pretty Tory Burch shoe boxes. (The "gun" is my pink Red Ryder BB Gun) Even better the shelves were $13 each.
My few hobo bags which store flat well are hanging, and my ridiculous tote bag collection lays flat and stacked on a low shelf. (Computer cords and a Woot! monkey are hanging around in the back)
Cheapy event bags, shoe and purse dust bags find a home in a over the door shoe holder.
Panorama view.
Cheap extra frames get new life by hot gluing ribbon to the backs and being hung in a grouping.
Pink wardrobe full of craft stuff and tote bags
Door mirror from Home Depot for $4.88 but no mounting hardware, so I hot glued ribbon (what else) and hung it from a over the door hook. This solution is good for a closet door but I wouldn't recommend it for a more active door.
My 8x10 collection gets out of the folder and on to the wall via blue painters tape. Use of a level
is totally necessary.