Seeing Things & Date Night
I had meant to go to Macy's this weekend for their Columbus Day Sale stuff, but didn't make it, so I went last night, and convinced A to come along with the promise of some CPK.
Macy's was a total bust, completely picked over, but oh well.
I've also been meaning to make it to Lenscrafter's lately since my glasses I rarely wear (since I never remember them) are now over 4 years old.
These were originally needed to see the board in accounting... which didn't help much, haha, soo glad I knocked that class out freshman year.
I took advantage of A being in a mall, and made him help me pick, since my #1 shopping assistant Mom isn't here to assist me =(
I tried on tons, Andrew was sorta helpful, he also tried some on, but all I could do is laugh since I've never seen him in any.
I only really liked two pairs
These Anne Klien's which have very small lenses

And these Tory Burch's which are exactly the one's that my mom got that I didn't even know about until I sent her the link. Great Minds.

I kinda feel like trying some other places since there were few I really liked, I know i need a wider frame and a small square-ish shape for my face. Since I don't need them much I can be pretty bold with them too like I did with my MuiMui's.
A & I ended our date night sharing some yummy California Pizza Kitchen BLT Pizza. It was funny we hadn't been there since our third date, and then we totally got seated in the same booth!

Oh and we may have walked over to Whole Foods for some bakery goodies... just maybe