HK Blogger Pick of the Week - Bakerella
Each week I pick a blog from collection of 203 Google Reader Subscriptions and showcase a blog I love.
The Blog:
The Feed: Feedburner Feed
Who is she: A baker who documents her baking adventures via her blog, she is also about to publish her first book. She has no professional training in baking.
What she talk about: All things you crave. Sweets and chocolate in tons of pretty different forms. Even better she tells you how to do it yourself so you don't have to stare at your computer screen all day long.
Why she worth reading: Well she is the inventor of the cake pop, and that's a pretty big deal. Her treats make you say awww with their cute characters and her photography is pretty awesome too. What's a food or treat blog without pretty pretty pictures?
Well get going, she's mak'in whoopie in her latest post!