You can MAKE Brown Sugar!

By September 28, 2010 , ,

I recently discovered this and tried it, it's a little scary at first but OMG think about all the rock solid sugar you'll be avoiding, plus it's cheaper!


  • Plain Old White Sugar
  • Molasses
  • Fork
  • Mixer (Optional but recommended)

Start off by finding Molasses in the grocery store, I found mine by the Maple Syrup.

Measure out how much brown sugar you need to make, add 1 to 2 table spoons per cup of sugar.

Start mixing it with your fork, it's going to look clumpy like this, but don't freak out.

Beat with the mixer to continue to combine, slowly add more molasses until you get the desired level of light or dark brown sugar.

Just keep on mixing and you'll get beautiful brown sugar like this.

Next time I'll definitely be using my KitchenAid stand mixer, but it's not hard at all, it just looks a little hopeless at the beginning!

Happy Baking!

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